overused in what way? I've never seen a picture like this.
[IMG] Screenshot title: Coloring book Map: Avalanche Date screenshot was taken (not required): Was your screenshot staged: yes Are you the...
Umm...you post pictures so people can tell you what they think about it (THERE OPINION.) Its just our opinion, take it or leave it. About...
i agree. but to tell you the truth the effects suck. i just see a close up of a guy with rockets.
This effect is really hard to pull off, I may have rushed it though. Any other thoughts? woops
An old picture I took. sorry about the name. i couldn't think of a good one. [IMG] constructive critics por favor download/copy here...
Sniper rifle kinda like my br pic. [IMG] download/copy here Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details critics please =]
i have a picture of a sniper rifle it might be better. more white if thats what you mean, heres the link...
ok i fixed it
My new screenshot [IMG] If you want to download add me as a friend and look in my file share and download. You can delete me if you...