haha idk just wanted to add some weapons..i wanted it to kinda be for infection but i ran out of cash
yes i agree with you. but like everyone else is saying--ithought it looked better then the shield doors, so it was worth it
yea, i made it when infection games were fun and all people would play was omega journey
yea, but don't think i didnt know how to interlock. When i made this map it was my first map but i somewhat knew what i was doing.
lol, like the other guy sed it needed some cleaning but, yea it was my first map.
Ok this is my first ever forged map. Yes, it is a house and i made it a long long time ago. For my first map i don't think i did that bad with it....
haha ok thanks alot
hahah i left for vacation. i wasnt finished =P
same question, and if it is make a map around it XD
haha =] i almost forgot about mechassault! very nice bot u got there. it would be cool if you can see the outside in the cockpit though.
very nice! too bad most of it will only work in forge =/
agreed. it doesnt seem like you have any interlocking either. u might want to try it and experiment....
yea, the handle isnt really all there but it is a super super hard picture to get a lot of detail into it. My picture's title is "Battle Rifle"...
lol. well since your at it u got any suggestions?
For shure it is going to be on sandbox, but i dont understand your gametype. Remember it's Assassin's Creed not Zombies
oh yea, i forgot about juggernaut. Thanks for the idea! i kinda wanna make a tall church with a view point, and a whole bunch of building...
Alright, I haven't really made any maps because im too lazy. And the only map i really made was a house map just for show. It didnt come out that...
My title is "Get up" as you can see master chief is on his knees getting ready to get up(or fall down lol). It was mean't for him to be weak (his...
Dont double post is a good name =P
This one unlike my BR pic was meant to fade away at the outlines. But if you guys say its overdone i guess i should make it look a little simpler....