Urk would you please add me on xbox live please. my gamertag is Resix the one
celebration. also check the bungie blog!
you gonna make a 1000 post thread?
my vid is on bungie.net
Lets just say Urk is a very nice person!
What im confused about is the fact that we only really get 510 out of the 1500 to work with so bungie wasted 1500 on the default. So my question...
My trick jumping video made it on to the bungie blog! Bungie.net Blog sorry if this is in the wrong section
<3 urk <3
Im ready to make some epic mini game maps that will be featured because i have already talked the ideas over with a lot of people who say FEATURE...
My dad just reserved Halo wars for me todayy so on march 3rd ill be playing some halo wars and doing some awesome forging.
Pretty sick super bounce there. makes me want to do some halo 2 trick jumping
theres an x. but whatever i saw a vid on youtube showing me where it was
i cant see your second picture!
your second picture isnt working for me
yeah what zander said. also stand away from your mic a bit because i could hear you breathing and your s's and t's were very strong
i hate you not you urk but vvvvvvvv
hey in that flythrough i saw the teleporter! sweet now i know where it is
Yeah I'll try to script something up when I'm at school tomorrow.
Im a good filmer so i guess i might be able to help but it needs a story line maybe like how forgehub started with random people downloading maps...
i think i will play halo 3