My capture card has been being stupid so i decided to use the render to film for this awesome jump i did in matchmaking. YouTube - Matchmaking...
Song is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over used
Someone vote for me!! lol i vote for menace tiger
[IMG] Title: Demon Author Resix the one (my GT)
These are some screenshots i took in campaign. I call this one walk it off. [IMG] I call this one Demon [IMG] This one i call pinned down [IMG] I...
YouTube - BacKtoBasiKs :: Something More - A Halo 3 Trick Jumping Montage My friends and i made this jumptage and submitted it to the bungie blog...
You said it was caused by lagswitch not host so again STFU
Dude he didnt prove himself wrong you said he either modded or lagswitched not host glitch so just stfu
Why so name change?
i hit turret rubbles about 90% of the time. i just need to find a way to link it with an edge ghost or a stack to make it more epic for backtobasiks 2
Yeah chaotik did go a little crazy with the froodlenutzkieng flashes but other than that I thought he edited the video pretty well
it takes me about 1 or 2 times listening to a song to memorize it. lol i has buena memoria
This is BacKtoBasiKs trick jumping video. YouTube - BacKtoBasiKs :: Something More :: A Halo 3 Trick Jumping Montage
i have to re capture your clips all my captured video got erased when my computer got fixed
YouTube - BacKtoBasiKs Trailer A trailer i made for my jump team"][IMG][/URL]...
Looks pretty good I like how the Spartan is a little blurred : Halo 3 File Details Hey chips you has recon so you should vote for my screenshot a 10 so i has better chance of getting the conz too : Halo 3 File Details could you vote 10 for my screenshot pl0x
Umm no not all the spartans died on Reach. if you read the books then you would know that some of them survived and some were alive during halo 2...