looks sweet also could you please let me know how many players its for because me and my friends will probably try and do this
does the grenade count as one of the three items because i can find the other two but i dont know if the grenade counts - and the on on the roof...
we need a walkthrough urgently... :(
i need a tutorial :'( i cant get past the 1st bit - one side is easy the other is hard, i am on the side with the grenade and its impossible
bumped for you but please make this a better thread e.g adding some pictures and propper name etc for it search the forums to find out how
... just put a small kill zone around the wrong ones to step on... btw the spawners fail on this kill yourself 3 times and you end up at the...
is there any chance you could upload a tutorial to forge hub or youtube on how to use these insane game types in forge because i was curious on...
erm i think we did it wrong but me and my friend did it in about 32 mins was this a one player map? :(
hmm i think the golf ball respawn was quite annoying and that the fusion coils at the start respawned it made it a lot harder if you died plus...
yeah me and my mate just completed it he was lagging behind and i was before the odd ball and i wasnt sure how to get past the big block in the...
OMG OMG OMG this is such and epic map but im stuck right before the odd ball atm im attempting to get to it but i fall lmao il try again EDIT:...
hmm im not sure if i did this right but i walked up the big thing at the start jumped off got the concussion rifle shot the golf ball down sworded...
i shall attempt this map when i have 4 players lol i can only ever get 3 of us on one map
dont mean to be picky but theres a typo on one of the photos "ligh" instead of "light"
yes i attempted this in forge and i got quite far i think up to the trip mines however the bit with the golf balls the second time seems virtually...
i dont like the fact that you die you have to restart the game. also i have got up to the golf balls so far ( the bit after the sliding shield doors)
aaah floating weapons. always a problem when doing it with more than one person ;)
some of the course is only makeable as an elite for example that jump before the plasma pistol i could do with a tutorial for the first bit
haha ok il look forward to it ;D
just to clarify are you supposed to be an elite? this is quite hard i cant get past the first few bits lol.