Why are the walkways upside down? Other than that this map looks a bajillion times better than pinnacle in a gameplay perspective! Keep up the...
I like the arch but can you walk up it to get the rockets?
What are the kill balls? Any way the bug looks awesome!
I believe that the juggernaut spawns on a juggernaut spawn and all other spawns should be normal spawns with no changes.
If you have anymore colusseum walls make a downward slope into the water because walls that end abruptly like that are very ugly.... Any way I...
Wait are the turrets floating or moving? Any way great aesthetics! Good luck!
From what I can see in the photos there are next to no aesthetics on the map... maps are much more enjoyable with eye candy! I don't know what you...
I love the concept! But two things... no one likes killballs because they are ugly and whats the point of the rock man when you cant see it from...
Thanks! That was what I was thinking but I wasn't sure!
Im sorry but I dont understand the map! Can you please add a description? Looks nicley forged from the pics though!
Can anyone tell me how I make it so that neutral spawns don't show up in team games? Thanks for you help!
NIBS I'm sorry I spammed... I just got your message and i see my error. Thanks for taking the time to message me! I don"t have live but I will...
Name it "Dish It Out"
You mods need to be more specific in the rules... I got a warning for posting "Looks interesting... I don't like the towers though."
2000 kills! No way! make it 50 kills too win a round!
his looks hilariously fun! Forget about aesthetics this map is so chaotic nobody will be looking! 10/10 for hours of fun!
I love what you did with the tin cups!
This is a unique and amazing idea! As soon as I get XBL im dling this!
Sorry I just found the thread! Any how first off let me say I love the aesthetics! You used a space in Forge World I rarely seen used because of...
I am an offline guy so I remade this for my friends and I too play split screen and I found that KOTH works better.... Anyway thanks for hours of...