YouTube - New Halo 3 map Tapestry
Maybee Whats up
YouTube - Flight of the Conchords - Australians
Grats on Bungie faves ^_^
I found it on the internet somewhere ^_^
Yeah I know right? I like my spoiler because it shows off how ridiculous the extent atheists will go to to disprove God.
Your sister has hawt hands bro. jk jk ;D
I did bring it up in the Hub Pub (Guardians discussion thread) and it was ignored then locked the rate user above you thread and it got reversed...
when I tried locking one of the useless threads a few weeks ago it got reversed and I was liek D: We were making a point. To show people how...
along with my threads being deleted the other ones were too. It would have been silly to only delete my ones without deleting the others because...
the plan worked.
The threads are very temporary just so you know..
I made a thread in the Hub Pub
Maybe in about an hour and a half. The threads in off topic are way too much fun right not. Look how exciting those Rate the User above threads...
Insane. Skype. I need your halps
I still play Intersection quite often. It still pwns after all this time XD
Also, if you delete all the starting points on a map without placing new ones. Save and quit. Then go back to it. The default starting points will...
Happy Birthday holmes :3 Have a good one.
I saw you were having trouble with spawn points? Go into forge. Change into the monitor. Press start. Go to "Change Gametype" Select a gametype...