Yes, that has been pointed out a few times. lol I know! Gosh.. that aspect is so aggravating to work with! Thanks though! =) Honestly, its not...
*Sigh* Do I not get a birthday bonus?
Thanks! As I said earlier though, I'm working on ideas to fix that problem.
Yeah, i'm actually thinking up some improvements in my head right now. (if only I had more items to work with.. I'm going to straighten up the...
It shoots things! What else is there to get!? =p
Thanks for the feedback! =) But what did you mean when you gave the fusion coil rows a minus? I assume you gave it that because it seemed sloppy...
Well.. my old post has come and gone with the old forums so I thought I'd post a new thread to introduce myself to all of you guys who weren't...
Hey, remember you said you'd check out my map? Well.. by some magic it was here when I got on after TGIF. (along with all the other fh changes)...
O_O Its Back! =D Yeah, that was the idea from the start. Well.. originally there were going to be instarespawn coils littering the floor but...
Thanks! The stairs (along with the bridge) were a pain to line up correctly (they still aren't perfect), but I think it came out well!
Longfire - By pwninatr This is my first actual map here at forge hub (well.. my first really at all) so obviously I don't have the experience...
First.. i don't think such a big font is necessary. And second.. LoL.. water elephants.
Honestly, i hadn't thought about it being a remake and i couldn't find where they talked about it in the updates but if it is the name does kind...
Hey, i'm trying to finish off my first map but i'm having trouble with spawns and whatnot. If anyone would be interested in helping me tomorrow...
Thanks! I got it to work and i'm working on my first map now. But i got pretty far into the map yesterday (after like 6 hours) and i can't...
Same here..
Question... Whenever i interlock stuff after i save and go back into the map i cant move or access any of the options for anything i've...
I really enjoyed this map once i figured part out. My whole party seemed to have trouble with the shield door jump that lifts you up to the...
Wow, it looks very neat! I'm definitely going to try this since i don't have too many good Avalanche race maps.