I am ALWAYS interested in seeing new studios. Any new entry gets downloaded immediately to my xbox for me to view so it doesn't need to be in your...
Good point. I have to think about how to do that. Right now I think the best way I think is including a description and pictures with the entry.
Sorry but I do not reveal the guest list or info on future episodes. The next guest is revealed at the end of each show. That said, there have...
Thanks Insane!
Need more studios!! Got lots of guests coming up in 2010!
i tested it last night and i think Last Exit with all skulls on except for blind.
Nov 17th 9:30pm ET
Episode 22 Winner
Sounds great GN0ME! Submit it and I will check it out.
Sorry but TRR is not having a Halloween special. Lets see it anyway though as I could still use it!
Seats are NOT necessary. Most of the time I move them or delete them. They are good though to get an idea of where the host and guest will be...
Episode 21 Winner
Episode 20 Winner
"A Night With Firestream" Winner
I check every studio in the thread. Sorry but it is hard for me to give feedback on every map. Rest assured though that it has been looked at.
Episode 19 Winner
Oh right that would help. Two hosts, one guest. It will always be two hosts. The amount of guests can vary up to 2 but it usually is one.
Three seats. I can usually add or subtract when needed.
I usually pick a winner the week before the show. The next show is June 16th so around June 9th or 10th I will select a map. I have seen all the...
The EOB was Marty O'Donnell and he most likely had no idea that you needed to perform a glitch to get into that room. There is a funny moment in...