Thanks man, glad you liked it ^.^ And yup there will be more from me =) Peace.
It looks really nice, but your download link doesn't work =/
Thanks man, would like to know what ya think of it. Reviews are fun ^.^ Peace.
Yeah I was trying to go for the city style appearance, buildings, roads, sidewalks, courtyard. I designed it computer first before making it,...
No probs, just hope I didn't write too much about it lol. Tried to keep it down to minimum for the folks to read. And yay glad to hear it ^.^ I...
Thanks for all the comments guys ^.^ The Answers To Your Q's Mongooses - Easter Eggs To Getting Outside The Map Weapons Outside Map - My budget...
Thanks and it's a flamethrower, may sound like a bit much but you really gotta use it right with the map to get a good advantage with it. Also...
Thanks and there are no rockets on the map. I spent a lot of time trying to balance weapons out. Might be a few too many weapons, but they have...
Thanks man. Anyone else tried it? Looking for more feedback :]
It does..? How? =/ I don't see it lol
You need to post screenshots, or your topic is gonna get busted on.. plus no one will ever download without screenshots.
Thanks lol. So anybody else given this a shot yet? Will take any tips/advice.
Thanks for the replies, I fixed the link. Although to be honest it doesn't make that much difference, both pages had a link to the map......
Derivation Best Game Types: FFA/Team Slayer Players: 4-10 Description: An a-symmetrical map. Each team is given a base and there are areas around...
Gotta admit, that looks sweet.
Thanks, and yeah a lot of my maps are like this, I try to use a layout that looks good and plays well. You'll see more from me soon ^.^ Hope...
Can't see myself playing this for long but it looks really well made! Good forging skills. Just needs more stuff and then you'll have my d/l.
Balancing weapons can be sorta tricky yea.. Although my friend placed the Sniper Rifle on the top base, at first I thought it was too much, but...
Thanks to anyone who takes the time to try this. All feedback is welcome. This isn't my best map at all, the others just need re-balancing before...
Alright I took some better screenshots and edited my first post. And by the game types thing, I meant as in, not game types like juggernaut, VIP...