Looks pretty sweet, but yeah looks too easy to get out of.
It looks pretty good, just needs some cover along the sides, plus like people said, getting out of the map looks way too easy. If you fix I'll...
Looks pretty neat, interlocking looks fairly good, will check out later. Peace.
Hey looks really awesome, good job.
Thanks dude, glad ya like it. Sorry for late reply, was out of town.. Anymore comments for the V2? Like how did it play? Feedback appreciated....
Wow thanks Sentinel :] The turrets seemed ok to me, it seemed a shame not to have turrets on a map like that, I wanted it to play like standoff,...
Thanks a lot guys :] Designing my next map now, it's going to be a bit more indoorsy. Hopefully quicker to make too. Peace. Edit: Updated...
Thanks man, appreciate the feedback :] Peace.
I'm afraid I have to entirely disagree with you.. I could list other maps that have similar weapon layouts, and I did play test every gametype...
Thanks guys, and yeah the map is supposed to be sorta open :] Peace.
Thanks everyone :] Anyone else got any feedback? Or any comments after playing? Peace.
Thanks so much everyone :D I edited the first post to include an FAQ, more screenshots, the original design sketch etc. Also can anyone let me...
Haven V2 Haven Version 2 Map Story: This area on Onyx was used for SPARTAN III exercises. It is believed to be Forerunner ruins. [IMG] Map...
Looks pretty interesting, I like it :] Will clear some space on my 360 so I can download it, nice job! Peace.
Thanks, and don't worry about it, as long as it's not completely identical or anything haha. Good luck with it :] Peace.
I can't see the pictures either.. Use imageshack or photobucket, much more reliable.
Thanks everyone, appreciate all the comments :] Anymore are still welcome. Peace.
Thanks guys. @Gollygeeanelite: Awesome, glad my maps are getting a good use of :] @Shell Shock: Thanks, my next map is symmetrical too, although...
Thanks guys. @redearth: It's supposed to be open, most Bungie maps are. I hate maps with too much cover. I think it mostly works. Peace.
Thanks everyone :] @Leroy Jenklns/MetalDog84: Hate to break it to you guys, but this is the same version.. Someone just mega bumped it. Luckily...