I checked the rules, I haven't broken any.
Deadlock Map Story: In the ruins of Havana, Marines used this area to hold Covenant hostages for interrogation, and then execution. [IMG]...
Yeah I still got it, will have to wait until I can get online though. I'll do my best to get it to you.
You're just gonna have to work on it without me, I haven't had forever since I've been too busy. Sorry but I never actually asked to be in this...
Are you kidding me!? How the hell does this deserve an infraction!? "Its been a while since I've really wanted to download a map, but this looks...
Gotta admit, I am kinda pissed about it. It's blatently mine, it even has my name in the map description, it is deliberate and they're getting all...
Thanks and yea, it's a shame my older maps are going on though. Sereny is going on next week as far as I know.
*hugs* we made it dude!
This is amazing work, I'll definitely use this to design my maps. Thanks for working on something so useful :)
I'm not gonna lie to ya, I got no idea who you are.
yea i got the map now
i still need to go download it, seriously, you guys wait until gears 2 comes out, and THEN its my turn lol you're gonna have to bare with me...
Wow thanks for giving Haven the best map rating :] Remember that the Version 2 was altered for gameplay, so if you never tried playing v2 then go...
It's a corrupt system, some of the premiums/higher ups here are complete a-holes lol. Some of them are awesome people, but others dislike me I guess.
Thanks everyone for the comments, sorry if anyone had problems with the map but I can't see what I could change to make it better, I've already...
Try 1 Flag CTF. That works best. Sorry to hear that it's not working out for your games, but I did do a lot of tests so I can't explain it. I set...
Thanks everyone, and it was tested, if the teams are even, then it plays well. I made several adjustments until I was happy with it, swapped...
Thanks a lot guys :] @darkmaster949: It leads up top, if you look on the last screenshot you can see the custom powerup, which moves the crate...
Yeah I most likely won't notice when I'm up, just pm me or something when the time comes.
Thanks, and yeah I should be able to do something on that, any idea when?