Golf Clubs. Absolutely gorgeous map! Another $10 would have bought you some firewood. [IMG]
Let me know if you need any help with the new studio. Will the permanent studio require a back stage pass area?
Wow! If you could improve the frame rate you would have a real winner with this map.
Having players turn black. On a basketball court. Really!?! Not accusing you of anything, but several 'racist' variants have used this feature.
Durr. Just like i did in Halo 3.
Looks nice but, Hangar.
No need. Just post it at GrifballHUB. In your post ask to have it also approved for A.G.L.A. League play and i will inspect it. Once approved...
GrifballHUB keep in mind players strafe and run backwards while defending so we prefer to not use maps which feature obstacles… or decorative...
I have suggested this game to be used in a mini tournament at I will let you know when it will happen so you can join in. One player...
If anyone figures this out please let me know. We are trying to do the same since Elites severely overpower Spartans in Grifball.
A few suggestions you may want to consider. Remove or deactivate the development teleporters from public release versions. Consider moving...
I don't believe it does. Inv_Res_p1, _p2 & _p3 are for the 3 phases. The Spawn Sequence is for the fire teams 1, 2 & 3. (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie?)...
The area above the soft ceiling is very high but there is a soft kill volume above it. You can fly around and forge as normal in this area but i...
Can you place objects above the soft ceiling? I have a map where i use the upper boundary to keep players in. One corner is lower than the...
Verified. I mentioned there was a broken link on today's COMM CHATTER in the HaloGAF thread and it was fixed within minutes. Several of the...
Way too late for that because the Halo 3 playlists are going into lockdown mode. We already tried to get it in through the Grifball channel.
Since the next scheduled guest is going to be Burnie Burnes of Red vs. Blue I couldn't pass this one up (since both Kete and Burnie are on my...
Fantastic! I hope i still have the map.
[IMG] nuff said .
And Bungie has been paying for that mistake ever since.