Describe the map a little, include what makes your make unique from others.
This looks extremely fun. Downloading now.
Pictures and description needed. If you need help with the pictures go here Forge Hub - Announcements in Forum : Halo: Reach Custom Content. or...
[IMG] [IMG] A single US Navy Vessel has traveled deep within pirate territory in the Caribbean. Play as either the Navy, attempting to capture a...
Nice map. Is the MAC cannon operational? I know a few ship maps have had operational MAC cannons.
The ramp to the rockets leads to nothing you should make it so the landing extends so its like a secondary fighting area that way people wont...
Wow. I love how you incorporated the buildings with the ground and trees itself. Looks very well made and I really like the windows
Now time for 2 (yes 2) AT-STs! Or an at-te. Now that would be awesome. I love star wars more than halo
I notice various cannon men in the pictures. What do they do? Other than that question this map looks very good and I like how the cage appears...
Good looking map. You should explain what "fatkid" is though. I know what it is but some people new to forging and custom games might not know
Yeah, no reason for the warthogs and scorpions, however, the map looks very well polished
Wasn't there two turrets in the hanger? :D just a thought
What if the spartan was on the ground being stabbed? Instead of standing up? sorta like this[IMG]
Amazing map Very good map. One thing though, you seemed to have left a warthog in the middle of nowhere... but its still awesome nonetheless.