Tis' bloody lovely. DL'ing and will give feedback L8R. Oh and sorry for the hard-to-read comment :)
Not bad, but what if the cops don't go to the robber's area? There should be an objective that the robbers have to do in the building so they dont...
It's not a cave mate. If you look closely again, you will find that it's just a dead end. Anyways, cool map :) Will give it a DL and a test run
MOTHER ****ING **** BASKETS!! Why isn't this under aesthetic maps?! It is waaaay better than the shiz put up there! A definite DL and sorry for...
Map looks great. Will DL and write feedback :)
Bravo. Bravo indeed. First off, I just have to say well done :) This looks like a great map and it will probs be one of the best maps I will...