rhis is a desent map but there are lots more like this. for the figring range u shold have a switch where when u hit the target a door opens and...
Thx for the long post now leme answer Honestly the armory did not effect any game i played its more for aztetics i supose. Now i knew u could...
I dnt know what the guy is talking this map doesnt need interlocking i realy like the layout and the temple looks great i like the i dea if mergng...
CWL this looks like one of them olympic bike racetracks and the wooden floor suits it OWMG WTF BBQ first person on forgehub with a brain...
I need help with spawns becouse i want the map to support every gametype and i did not steal the map couse i wos the one that posted v1 here i...
check out halo city in my sig it has a whole city and a reuseble open and close switch for the prison door the link is in my sig its called "halo...
Does anyone have a sandbox budget glitched map with all the original items not deleted?? couse im looking for one can i haz a link?
I dont think the armory is owerstoked also i made sure most of the weapons have a very long respwn and not alot of clips W00T 265 DL!!!
After about a week of forging its finaly done.I realised that so far I have only made infection maps so since the sandbox will be here soon I...
I like the map but it feels a bit open and could u show the weapon spawns please , but there are lots of maps like this one out there so no dl 3.8/5
ok the only reson i took away 0.1 is becouse if u go to the back of tham map and look towards the other side u get minor framerate issues its not...
I remeber playing this with u , realy nice spawn placement and the funny thing i had a cordination fail in nearly exsacly same place but i had...
I realy like the whole S shape and the bases , I like the very nice merging of the colored colom becouse everytime i see it in maps its just looks...
Honestly guys warhog is not overpowered, in fact is a bit underpowered in every game I played it could be usefull but never overpowering, honestly...
I used to use defult with about 5 sensativity No I use bumber jumber becouse it alows you to aim and jump at the same time ( u dont need to move...
Well its gona be hard to organise this and get ur team to do what the commander wants... why not just play halo wars>?
Umm I sometimes enjoy castom games but they r getting same and crapy over and over again i like mlg but i dont play that too much couse i know i...
I would geomerge more but there is a problem with that is that geomerges make the game lag and so far i have never seen anyone have prblems with...
Warhog is not overpowering due to the fact in some parts it could be hard to manuver also due to the fact that you could attack from above its not...