its not only preaty its fun too you can play it with a small party or a big one and still enjoy it. Id say one sided games is what its build for...
yea but i think it looks rather comical with the ligh on top of it i think it colada been better if u merged it in the tower so u would not see...
wow but maby im wrong but wasnt the grav lif where the rocket ?
Wow dude an exelet map and i usyly hate most skybuble maps but this is amazing its very azteticly pleasing and looks very smoth dont know what...
yup in a way you are rigth i had to chage some parts due to the size of the crypt and the object + money limit does not help a little bit im still...
dont know how you could resist not geting mythic yeat I will never know but dont foget to tell me what you think of the map once you downloded it...
what are you taliking about the wraith is there becouse there was a wraith in the defenders side of the map not becouse its there to replace the...
um its only one double wall at the end of the track thats couse i run out of wall slits but it isnt very notisble No I coulds becouse the map...
lol where does it need interlooking wtf is everyines problem with interlocking he interlocked what needed to be interlocked. the problem that I...
Remember the map terminal from halo2? The one with the train that liked to splatter people, well I have never see anyone remake it so i decised to...
Im glad u guys seem to like the map trust me its alot of fun to play and ben wen are u going to review the map im waiting for your feedback...
* weapon placement now posted * I suggest the map should be used for team slayer ( as I have already tested) I also think it will be good for...
LUMINARY CORE [IMG] Luminaru power cores like this are used to power nealy all forerunner technology, this one was resently discoverd. *So the...
why would i get infracted if someone stole my map i made this idk what u mean by saying cops and robbers dont work they work perfectly and to...
good switch suits sandbox ( no flashy things ya know hidden pit ) seen this made on h3artificer ages ago , u shold put a shild door so people cant...
Dl link: : Halo 3 File Details !Edit 394 DLs! 2 comment on Y Austin Y said "love this map thanks" ManEating Zebra said...
Why am I a bad person? I just said my oppinion which is due to the ligths on the map is will be intresting to make it a bit darker. Now on to you...
u shold add a filter so the ligth play a bigget roll then il give it 5/5
i like the idea of a watch tower and lading pad make teleporter free and have a transport hornet and il be an awsome part for an infection map