much obliged
this looks like it would be a kick ass sniper map i mean if the spawns were laid out correctly. i agree with all above me saying you need a much...
erhm ..... FH Showcase ?
O.M...G... (jizzes all over face) that is possibly the nicest map ive ever seen i am downloading as we speak ascthetics 12/5
one of my friends sam his youtube account is rhydderch5 i think thats some of his vids
its for the youtube thing im making showcasing the best maps forgehub has to offer
we will include a bit of humour but it will be 4:1 gameplay to comedy =D
it isnt but id rather leave it to a good editor
i can but the effects arent the best ive tried before with a simple screenshot montage and the transtitions were terrible
just put the logo in the corner put the clips together that sorta thing nothing big
thanks man similiar idea yeah but i will be a bit more serious and more focused on the map not comedy i need an editer though know anybody?
good point i have 2 commited people already me and halfman and one person with a good cap card i would choose either a) featured maps and b) my...
Ben has had BRAINWAVE! I have seen brilliant maps on here but no downloads due to lack of publicity. I was thinking. Make a youtube account...
hey possible name change -B7 Sniper to FH Youtube Outreach? much obliged
70+22=93? i dunno
this looks like a good fun map but one that could get boring really easy i dont fully understand it can the zombies fall to the ground? aww well 4/5
All HARDCORE for me! Snipers PWN Tho Anybody shottys me I do it right bck :) I got my 46 in LW because I dont need a team to win XD
i think customs in matchmaking sounds amazing it would be great for map testing make a map go online 1000s testers?
The Incoming?
i would personally say the black im not in the know about those things so i cant help with the font