Forge Hub RP Dev Thread This thread is created so that peoples having idea, issues, or all those things can post them here. Please, write a TITLE...
To all population: Since the time I stopped the RP, I thought a a lot about it. I think I should start it again. Check the post announcing the...
@EVERYONE, don't follow these theories! Readearth is infected! Don't thrust him! ExtraGaming is a virulant infection causing illness,...
Hey guys I'll join your idea. I can do a pretty squeaky voice. It's a mix of Idon'tknowwhat that grant me power to talk with a lil' irritating...
No-life Gamers Pandemy, The Solution Here! No-life Gamers Breaking Free Hey you! Yes, I'm talking to you! If you got your ass on Forge Hub,...
Hello everyone, I've got a small problem on my computer (not very recently) and I thought that somebody on Forge Hub would be able to help me, so...
If you want to make suggestions about the RP, go on this thread. It's created so that opinion, bugs and all those stuff can be wrote there. .No...
To everybody, give a try on the RP!
There is no problem at posting constructive Reply on the thread. But Redheart is right, I've not finished yet. I had a draft but I realized that...
I don't know if you've read my PM... Another notice could help you see it :)
RP official Character Database Here is a list of all the character of FH Forum RP. There is the name of the player with, under, the character...
These are the external rules for the RP. Why I needed another thread? Because this thread will be highly edited and I will post changelog in it....
Welcome to the Forgehub Forum RP :Beta: ~ !The first game is here! ~ This thread as been created to show mortal peoples how to play the game...
If you get out of foundry with a simple machine gun trick, you can see the big factory pretty well if you zoom. I feel like I should give my trick...
Yes I am, you just need to go read my introduction: I like the fact that I have...
I didn't know there was a guide on this. It's quite funny that I lost all this time. But anyway, I didn't used any of these three techniques....
There isn't something special about these screens. I had nothing to do, and I took these screens: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] And for you a little...
Halo Rockstar Stage I created this aesthetic map on sandbox not so long ago. It's by no mean a playable map. It's just for fun of rocking (maybe...
Hey! Thank you for resuming the rules. I'm not very good in English, so it may be hard to understand. Anyway, I'll put your description in the...