soz you had to see that stuff on fmlg dude but i had to get rid of that guy yer mt xbox is back and we can haz the clan match on wednesday next week
i'll try but i don't do much on forgehub and btw when i finish school on thursday that means wednesday for you so i will be available on friday...
dude my xbox got back today so if you need me to help you forge or anything i can help you from friday as i finish school on thursday
okay, i'll tell you when my xbox gets back and we should have it probably the day after that from thursday onwards, now for the game types and...
hmm looks interesting
yer its it looks crap coz the graphics arent done yet
yes my xbox comes back this week so i can help you do wat ever
yer halo 3 the best game invented
nah not currently it will be sometime in the holidays. need to get my xbox back first and organise a team together.
no it doesnt coz i challenged your clan from my clan sxe vs fmlg
hey man are you going to be releasing any nore puzzle maps soon because yours are the best ones i've played on and i cant wait to see some of your...
okay is it just me or does this thread have no support and seems to be going along very slowly?
hey dude i have a clan if you guys wanna have some 4v4 games sometime we can arrange it probably during the school holidays in AUS
thats bad news
okay, thats a little confusing
meh its alright not amny people pick up on it unless your in the clan
yep so this is going to be a lot smaller thn debayters zombie map?
no its a running joke i have with one of my mates. when we verse people who say they know mlg players on xbox live its really annoing
hobo he was talking about zombie veruckt(spelt wrong their) in the new cod 5 map pack so he isnt lying.
i sure will, i missed out on testing master debayters map coz it broke so i hope i'll get to test this one have you considered re-making one of...