nice layout tho i think the hole to prevent camping is creative it makes the map look bad instead dont use a box there make it an open...
thats really good nice tho try a white version too... and fix the anvil it looks streched a bit
sounds good and all but it would fail cause u bound to get a douchhhheeeez that goes over there limit... and u would have to count... also it...
It will die very soon lets put it this way imagine if it was halo 2... halo 2 died pretty much and so will halo3 (pretty much) and changing the...
thoose r really good nice job very like tanish and not many borders i like borders tho... helps w/ Oldschool then again u might have white borders...
i beleive their is something in the gametype that MIGHT help tho im not for sure.. u could block one of the 2 in the frequent ones after the...
Wow a decent addition to a bungie map... nice i can tell u spent alot of time on thins nice tactical jumps and flag spawn floating weapons and...
this looks pretty good nice layout and design... nice aestetic glad u used the brides flipped might work better tho... i couldnt tell where the...
okay i see where u r going this looks REALLY GOOD as far as design and idea... needs more interlocking need straightened and needs a few...
that is really good lighting is epic... i think the helmet is the 2nd best one for this pic... pics r the only time they matter dont think im an 8...
that looks really well made nice and strainght nice interlocking... game play looks great... maybe geo merge deeper so the map isnt so high and...
looks pretty cool nice job w/ the powerups and thx for the layout... looks like it has tons of playability... i would really like to play this...
wow u look alot like this kid i no lol but he doesnt play halo lol plus he got shipped outa MEH town... thought i would let u no tho lol
a new cool twist to hobo and termites nice looks great and well created i like how the ppl cant break them themselves... this would be really fun...
okayz but go reserve... i will be open if u want to do it tho i kinda have a layout for it so if u want to mix them or go seperate u wont hurt MAH...
U won u won i was there i helped yay u won u won u won im excited for u i see premium in the future for u... U won wanna do this one together if i...
wow that looks pretty nice... i checked three times for when u were done and now IM HERE... nice layout and map looks fun like saphire and...
NOT on forge do u take the pics... i can see that u spent time looks flat but geo merging on the side w/ the slant would help... the map looks...
was it u who wanted to make technoligic lol from the song or JEEF
y did u have too retire :< i no u have no clue who i beez but not u u r the GREATT (echoeing voice from the skies) FOUNDER..... :< :< :< :<: <:<...