only 166 i got SLAMMED by drawingman for posting the bungie update from fri...
thats really cool and i never would of thought of looking through confetti thats simply injenious lol i porposfely spalled that wron lol im done...
um turn the tele porters off and if u want u could straighten 4th pic one of the geo mergeers looks off but that could be camera angle... um so...
ya my bad i check i didnt f'n see that guess i better be more observant...
WOWz this is really good... this is very clean in interlock geo mergin design the whole thing is just nice and smooth... nice layout seems very...
Have u seen the new updat>>> it is elite... u cant even imagine well i dont want to spoil it... but there is going to be a new campaign in fall...
use teleporter and lay them along the side... then put ur cusor directly in the middle of the box... grab the box as quickly as possible press...
thats really good.... u use a lot of org. structures very artistic stufff... nice aesthetics... layout looks pretty good a little blant on one...
lol i was tellin him what he could do to make his sig better in my opinion... i have oldschool so i didnt see the border that was white... thats a...
okay i only read the first page but i thought i would say... i no lots of kids that started weed in like 7th grade... there idiots... one of them...
thats a really good idea... maybe tilt the area upward so he can see better make longer and give like shorter coverage so they have to split up...
weapons look really nice interlocking is straight... layout seems good... add more pics spec. action onz... um we need to understand the layout...
this need a vid... action shots... or just plain old more shotz... nice tho interlocking is good... geo merging looks alittle sloppy nice wall...
i just spent all day but i beat all three of those games and didnt look up ne sept the endless journey thing....
I like it looks pretty neat but im not sure wat gate and switch u were talking about... interlocking was nice... the geo merging u need moar of......
i like this congratz on feature nice map looks fun hope to see it in bungie's playlist wenever it comes out :>... nice interlocking... amazing...
need something else... faded is all really give border write ur name add renders do some thing tint it or change colors... anything will do really...
welcome to FH its great here u will soon find competitive maps to be WIN and infection to be occasional pit stops... we all do... i joined for...
i will im good at these gt: Boyle06
nice interlocking nice layout creative design clean it upo here and there tho... nic weapon set-up and overall appeal... this is really good keep...