that guy is deff. a virgin but he is good i gotta admit that must have taken years to master all that glitching
that looks sweet def. DL... nice interlocking and nice layout iwill be back w/ more after i play it BUT WOW 5/5 this is nice and nice front pic...
hey ive been creating the layout on the new foundry sketchup but i need to see what it looks like now so i can get more done... and sorry my older...
Map voted for: Syndicate Reason: The map is well fit for the ghosts while not underlooking the other ppl playing the interlocking n geomerging is...
i figured it out u need to go to in model after u get to windows
[IMG] i dont have my xbox but i found him
it is very narrow and a quick route to the other side of the map... balancing the risk and the reward is what needs to be done... so with that...
wow two in one day that r both EPIC... that tower is a sweet layout... i nvr have noticed the yellow stripes on the ramps... (assuming u didnt...
looks great and a well forged maps... is it extremely hard to kill the ghost (zhost) w/ the nades tho??? b/c it seems like the ghost would have...
the map is nice... level out that spot w/ the staris... u may have to geo merge the stairs... and lower the passage way boxes so the floor part of...
this is actually a really good idea... kinda... LAWL have u done testing... cause maybe the complete lack of cover (tho a good idea) will make it...
WOW this is actually really good... i am dumbfounded by the fact it only has 4 stars... some ppl at fh can be bi-est (no offense to u guys)......
Starting Notes: ***For the people who prefer not to read this i put a summary at the bottom*** Okay well this is a not the actual...
that shot is in avalanche and in the cave u can see under there and get there w/ a turret or the tele clicking i believe i found it once... but...
some problem i have... and no problem... i was simply offering and i spend WAYY to much time forging i wish i didnt... and my plate is quite...
hey panic room is a very good idea...
ya i agree with matty beatdowns are not worthy enough to decide the outcome of a fight and have a far to powerful range... a BR should beat an AR...
brenden he goes to collage w/ it... n im all like WTH
um ya u already no this isnt up to standards so y did u post???... and there isnt even a link to DL by ur 2nd post u should no the guidelines so i...
i dont ever have my xbox my brother takes it for 3 weeks at a time and brings it home on the third weekend... and i always have a TON of forging...