well i cant say i do tho i think it has possibilities... what u thinking of doing... small big whole map beach 2v2 give me something to work off...
sad face... i might test out my theroies and make one then when i get my box just for the pre DLC lovers out there nothing big hr worth of forging...
nvr made the map on construct???
monday night epoch will be posted i see :> yay... tues i get mah xbox n if i dont my brothers balls will be removed in sent to u in a PAKage 4 u...
1. Is it best to use the entire map? (Foundry) Or cutting off some of the map? (Explain which part(s)) Now that REALLY depends... the new style...
that map u posted in the sketch up thing look really cool... i hope this happens... w/ a lot of aesthetics and good gameplay ALL blackout maps get...
i made one named redemption its not that great and functions better w/ 3v3 bomb... is an MLGish feel and has jumps and whatnot.... as far as the...
LAWL... here you go making things from things that rn't there... it didnt say that u reading too far into it... and of course we will get info...
Overview: [IMG] Base v.1: [IMG] Spawn: [IMG] I redid my sketchup it is much cleaner now... and im still working on the rest...
ya... i never no so i just put them in Off Topic... im tired of them being moved... but if u wanna have at it... plus here post don't count... so...
Okay so as i've been xbox-less for the past 5-6 weeks (collage) i have been pondering on what my new layout should be... i have gone with an MLG...
i can see reason for it squid tho i am not an infection fan AT ALL... but like having to go back to get swords would be cool except... they take...
i would have built it higher and used CAP letters... and i still think a hammer w/ activ camo for an aspolsion would be LEGIT... and EPIC... and...
i understand... maybe look for something thinner then the box... and can u shoot through the box... he is saying the grav. lift is holding the...
WOW... that is really nice... layout is great and the gameplay looks very nice... nice angles... and sturcture placement... it gives the map a...
well lay down a double box... then press the wall against it... then delete the box... next.. lay tele on all sides except the side u r pushing...
im asuming not... if so a tele or a wepon holder would do, but the only REAL "?" to get the answer is do the boxes float? ... no so i would only...
LAWL... BOB SAGET!!!!!!!!!!!! ahh good times good times my GT: Boyle06 but i dont get to play much but if u catch me some time i will play w/ u n...
OHHIA.... welcome to FH and enjoy your stay... and for ur first post read the "read b4 posting" sticky have ne "?" u can ask ME.... inorite
so u finally have it posted HUH.... this map is quite nice and im glad u didnt give up on it... nice job w/ the layout and the idea of the map was...