go fack yourself you fackin cawksuckah lol
There's not a single left-hand turn? I prefer my tracks with a little more variety. You should try and incorporate both left and right turns in...
Great work, sir. I'm going to stick this thread for the time being
I think if he wants to post it in the TRC Guild, he can.
LOCKED. This is serving as a general warning to EVERYONE in this thread to chill out. Infractions are being handed out.
I just did a forge-through on the map, and the layout seems pretty solid, from what I can tell. I'll get some games on it to get a better feel for...
Ive found that the rock arches not only cover a pretty large area when turned on their large side, but also are pretty dang smooth and easy to...
You shouldn't have any weapons labeled as Fixed. I know it looks cool when the weapon is floating, but the bug with fixed weapons is that if they...
He's at $0 in budget. I think the wheel looks great as well. I see no need to change it at all. The scale of the map is a little off, but its...
This looks absolutely amazing! I'm queuing it up right now. Ive been waiting for a solid LR remake for a while now, as Zanzi and LR are my...
The design here rocks. Great job guys. I've only checked it out in forge so far, but Im excited to get some in-game action on it soon! I dig the...
there's a few things you can do. the first, and probably the most pertinent, is limit the amount of stuff a player can 'see' at any given time....
the DL link doesnt not work. Please get that up ASAP
Crag Basin [IMG] "Something something gorge something something remember something something battle." Crag Basin is a Rocket Race map...
I really have to disagree with this. Perhaps in the creator's mind it does, as all those little details matter to the creator. But as a player, it...
I'm glad you decided to post this here. i saw it while lurking over at the MLG forums and have had it on my HD for a while now. Best Guardian...
Well, this is a stunning map. Up there with the best right now, in my opinion. The layout is nice, and I love the slightly asymmetric design. The...
This is pretty funny, cause I have a RR map ready to post as well, and it ALSO has a logo on it of similar nature to yours! I've seen a couple...
This brought back some good memories last night man. It was familiar enough to pick up right away, and still different enough to have its own...