Yes, he (lukems) and Frankie were the two main guys who did all the updates, whom as Mallet said, gave people more reason to read the weekly...
Occasionally I change my emblem to something different just to mix things up, but eventually I decide that I like my old one the best and stick...
No one seems to like juggernaut. I can definitely see why, and no one has really created something that makes juggernaut more entertaining. So...
Yea, I was disappointed that Lockdown wasn't included in v5. Amplified is still good, but Lockdown was really fun for slayer. Its also...
This needs to be posted in the Casual Maps section. The Competitive Maps section is reserved for slayer and objective based maps only.
Ugh, for me its a split between slayer and infection. I'd have to pick slayer, as it is the most fun for me to just play some casual slayer in a...
So, what this thread is suggesting is that there is still a possibility of Halo 4... Highly unlikely, but hey, we can all hope. As for the...
The first thing that came to mind as I viewed your screenshots was that the red and blue bases are very small and simplistic. It would be nice if...
I'm actually really surprised at him leaving Bungie. He had a dream job working there and everyone loved him.
Omg golf on Halo.... I am amazed. That giant ship thing is also really sweet I'm gonna download them both because they are playable and look...
I hated this gametype and wasn't really happy with the while playlist. Any game on Standoff was garbage. The most spawn kills I have ever seen...
Those questions were posted in a Weekly Update a very long time ago. I highly doubt that Bungie will be dumb enough to put scarabs in MM. It...
Hmm, coincidence? You never know. Bungie did put a half-naked man in campaign... Having a bit of trouble seeing the bunny anyways. I think I...
^ Lightz has his own class: The Jesus Grenadier. You and your surprisingly perfect nades... I am definitely The Iron Man. Lol, but I'm also an...
The ranking system is horrible. Enough said. Everyone has already summed up the obvious about assholes and little kids playing Halo.
Thats exactly what I was thinking as I looked through the pics. This map doesn't look half bad. I love maps with different levels, and you...
Looking good with this map. I like the fact that you successfully combined ideas of close-quarter combat with the option of battling out in the...
Oh, ok. It seemed like it was going to be a 2nd version of the map, because you mentioned that you were going to make up for the lack of items in...
Awesome, I remember playing this a while back in some testing. I think it was the day the maps came out. Pretty fun to do on Avalanche because...
Maybe I'll wait for Project U to give a download. I will be happy to help you test if you want. GT: Super Trooper88 or XpEcTz Sniper