Very nice Matty, I loved the way you used those giant rings, they are a truely amazing creation. The 'ship' is perfect to make this little...
Very nice looking map, it has lots of variation of highs and low. It is very unique indeed, the bases serve well for flag gametypes, and the...
Whoa. For a second there I thought I was looking at something Bungie made. That first pic guarunteeds a download from me. This looks amazing,...
Overall great work on the map Nemi. One of the best things about the map is the two holes on either side that take you to the powerup/mauler....
Bumper Jumper FTW. I'm surprised how many people here use it though. 4 sensitivity for everything, 5 wrecks my BR.
Yea, you blew his face apart, but how do we know its a no scope. Oh. What now?
The things people do these days...
A commonly used effect, your title is a bit misleading... It wouldn't be a new armor, but just a different colour. Of course it is only an effect.
Great work, its really refreshing to see a new map that looks and plays unlike all the other Foundry maps. I love the way you have perfectly...
Thats easy for you to say. :D JDoerr... if those are your stats, then why do you have the stats of a Gunnery Sergeant Grade 4 in your sig.
I'm so glad this is finally out. I think Project X was pretty good, but this completely overshadows it. Looks like you did a great job forging...
Spiritual successor of Midship... I'd be happy with that. I like Guardian better than Blackout (some people will argue this). So far the exact...
I would just go and buy another Halo 3 disk. If it doesn't work, you do have a HDD problem.
This would serve as a great change from the bland looks of Foundry. I think I could get a headache from staring at those green hues all day. So...
Can anyone say Midship?
He said it was a BR warm-up map prior to playing MLG.
Great work on this map, its so unique in so many ways that it seperates itself from all the other maps. FFA looks to be amazingly fun here, I've...
Overall it looks a bit too small to offer a good BR warm-up. Expand the map a bit, add seperate areas just vary the BR battles. As of now, this...
The maps we used for the 1v1 showdown would be perfect. All of the maps were excellent, and there would be a good variety for the playlist.
Or just do it in customs...