Killed with and killed by, I don't know how I got them though.
Where can I watch the live stream, and when?
Meh, might as well have a look around sometime when I'm bored.
Dang, I wish I could go to one of these. If it ever comes to Seattle, I'm definitely gonna go. Make sure you get some sweet pics to post here. :D
Wow, this finally got featured. Great work Matty, I really love this map.
For sure much better than the predecessor, I'm glad you did in fact took in some of the suggestions, you've made the map twice as a good with...
Well then don't snap at the hand that's feeding you, Jesus Christ. From his first post Lightz was obviously trying to help you to see what proper...
What the map shown in the first two pics?
Major League Gaming, as these guys have said, is a competitive league of gaming that revolves around faster and smarter gameplay. This is...
I got to get over to Circuit City sometime, it'll be good to stock up on MS points because I'm always in need of them.
Its not that hard for the first while, you just have to realize the safe areas and study the area for a bit before you move. Of course until you...
A new forge map for sure, but I am really craving some fresh, new small competitive maps such as Guardian. We need as many of these as we can...
I'm afraid that I don't understand any of this thread. Please correct your grammar so that we may provide you with answers to your question.
... I like some of your pics, but this needs to be posted in screenshot discussion.
Great that its finally out. I'm gonna quickly download and check it out and then comment later. From the pics it looks amazing, and I really...
You can have starting spawns so that players have to start there, but I've never really been sure whether or not they are able to spawn back in...
Swords for sure or nading the crap out of the hill in KoTH games, even though they are largely vetoed. Surprisingly, I got my steppin' razor...
Yes, it was. The thread was deleted and the user was blacklisted so yeah... it didn't work.
We already created this group a while back, which started out in this forum and is now a social group with 24 members. You are welcome to join...
That would have been sweet if they kept that extra vehicle, I don't care much for sentinel weapons, but a 15 zombie kill spree medal, that would...