Good job. I'm becoming a fan of your maps. Nice interlocking and cleanliness. You have my DL.
The pics work now so plz no more messages about embedding.
Plz no more cpost telling me to embed I will.
Frozen Flags brings an element to Cold Storage never before explored. The CTF element. Once used as holding cell for the Flood during the war...
LOL ok...
LOL i loaded my avatar by accident it's one of my sisters pics
Looks interesting. I'll DL
Sure but i don't have leg map pack nor the monaey to buy it.
sure you can
It looks a little messy and the map layout is nothing new. (You said be critical)
SexyDude is me BFF
I agree but good job. 4/5.
Awesome! Very unique. 5/5 Dling now.
Good work. 4.9/5 (-.1 for the second banked turn being a little disfigured). Work In Progress: Runline
One of the best 1st post's I've ever seen. Floor could use a little cleaning up. 4.7/5. Looks like gameplay is very fun. You got my DL.
Good job for a first, but I am not a fan of maps with several teleporters.
Well done with the interlocking. I prefer clean looking maps. I'll DL.
Good Job Very creative.
Nice Nice work I usually stick to Foundry maps but this looks like fun.
Fun! Looks fun I'll look forward to seeing what it turns out to be.