No more people saying pics dont work! don't post on this thred til he or she embeds the pics!
Ithica V2 Ok so I listened to your comments about the last Ithica and basically everyone said it needed more cover/ it was too open. So in this V2...
I will make a V2 with more cover
I knew if I put more cover in it would be way too easy for the attackers to get past the main gun. Also I didn't want it to be like one of those...
Ithica is my first base map and I hope you all will like it. This map is a small base map used for caputer the flag. The attackers start out...
4/5. I like the idea and the slantedness. but i think the terrorist would have a huge advantage being above the marines with a rocket launcher.
CAn we get a weapons list plz? it loooks pretty good but Im not fond of arena maps.
Great Map! this is the best non foundry base I've seen so far on FH. 5/5 good job
Pics dont work. Read the map posting rules and reccomendations before posting.
I did'nt really think it would need too much cover since the max capacity is 8 so there wouldn't be that much cover. But wheneve you're under fire...
Most mnasions I see are uneven and messy but this one looks pretty clean 4/5 nice job
I agree with sexy and I don't really understand what the soccerball is doing there...
Thx dude I like your Mr.T ducky
Alot of maps have empty spots but the map already has power weapons so they fill the spot with a vrtually useless weapon. And I've seen alot of...
Junction V2 The first Junction left a little to be desired so I listened to your comments and put a little more thought into it....
*gasps* is it true might he have listened to me when i commented on his first map?! I said " good job but it seems a littl open" could he have...
Is there an escape hazard at the top? I can't really tell. 4/5 but the circle shaped map design is starting to get old.
Not up to forge hub standards. Plz read the posting reccomendations and rules before posting.
yeah Im Bluefudge but since my family settings hate me I can only talk to people who are on my friends list but since I can't add any paeople I...
I actually a gree with you this is my first infection map and I just wanted to see what works