Wow this actually sort of reminds me of the last paintball field I went to. This map would be epics if it had a little more aesthetical touches...
I think this map would be better without the vehichles. 3.5/5
4/5. THe whole city thing isn't exactly new but I like the lay though and there are some good parts. I think there are too many power weapons though.
This could have a chance at getting featured . Great job btw
Cold Capture Is a map built from the ground up with CTF in mind on the map Cold Storage. On this map all the side hallways all blocked off so...
MY GT is Bluefudge
Nice job except for the shield doors those things bounce you wayyyyyyy too much 4/5
Hey man
What strucures should/ can I interlock to make it better for a V2?
There were'nt any structures that needed interlocking really as in it wouldn't have affected gameplay and thats the only time interlocking is...
I wish for this map to get featured. Woops.... Shudn't have siad that. Now its not gonna come true!!!! My life is over
Double Cross Although not an MLG map, Double Cross brings a very MLGish experience to the table and works well with MLG gametypes. In the pics...
I agree with zander there is a serious escape hazard here. Looks pretty smooth and neat though.
Is it just me or does this look and sound a tad like martyrdom? anyway it's pretty cool for a new forger. Could probly use more pics.
It's meant for CTF
How would I do that?
I think i might connect the bunkers to the base and add a building nxt to the geomerged double box
Do you have any suggestions on how to make it better( less open)?
The attackers can use the man cannons but it's up to them it doesnt matter that much cuz the turret will get half their shields down by the time...