Yes it is a little open but if I put more cover on either side it would be way to easy to capture the flag. Keep in mind blue only has a small...
Hey grif just seeing howz itz goingz
Collaboration Is a map built from the ground up with one game in mind. One Flag. But this is'nt your average completely symmetrical even weapons...
Darn you Jsten and your big words! Anyway, this map looks really fun. Although I'm not a fan of shield doors it does look like Ivory Tower a...
I don't get it. Anyway, this is a pretty cool map for slayer in my opinion. I haven't seen too many slayer maps that use the back part. 4/5. Could...
I agree more pictures wouls be nice but the map looks interesting, I'll check it out.
Looks a little sloppy in some parts. Could we have more of a description plz?
Welcome to FH! From what I can see therre doesn't appear to be interlocking but you're new. It looks like the different changes in height would...
On most pre-DLC maps it takes half your items to block off a small section of the map. Anyway, this map is really good for a pre- DLC map. But you...
This map looks really fun. It totally reminds me of that part of gears. 4/5
I like the airstrike thing. 4/5 there were some parts that were sort of sloppy and a starirs leading to nowhere. Can we have a weapons list?
WElcome to FH! Good job getting your post to standards!. Now on to the map. I would give this map a 3/5. I like the concept and it's original....
Is that first pic the entire map? It looks like it. I can't really say I like this map. There is not alot going for it. Seems sort of pointless....
This a very good map in my opinion. Love the center structure. It features a unique design and the gameplay looks like a blast. You guys really...
This map is extremely original. I never thought you could incorporate guitar hero in halo. 4.5/5 cuz BRs are cheap the person just has to line up...
I was goin to do sort of an arch thing over bothe the bases to make i look nice but I'm leaving for my cabin in 20 minutes so I did'nt exactly...
Redefine I chose this name because hopefully this map will redefine the way we look at MLG maps. Now I know what you're thinking: oh great...
What's stoppin people from sniping the grav lifts and or killing the other team? 2/5 not much effort
The race track looks a little short and all you 've really shown us in the pictures are the start and the first 5 seconds of the race more pics...
Cramped Cramped is a small infection map taking up about 1/4 of Foundry. This map is pretty much made to give you that creepy feeling that no...