This looks pretty cool! I love your idea...very well laid out!! Outstanding job! you have my DL...Also, to give it more of a cell can...
Sounds interesting...check out the link on how to post a map here----> I think once you...
Yay!!! Cookies for me!!!! Yeah walls can be a pain and it comes with experience (still working on perfecting it here)...BTW you have my DL...
Definitely need some more pics of your newest doesnt look like anything too exciting from what you are showing...Also, what weapons did...
Great idea!! I like the fortress and the varient...I would tighten up on some of the walls and interlocking but that is just a personal...
Ahh, So you too have mastered the art of strategically placed objects by the thoughtless method!!! Sweet!!! lol
They are strategically placed objects to maximize gameplay efficiency for all parties involved. (c;
Make sure that if you are going to tell people thier post is not up to standard you refer them to the link they can use to fix thier...
Nice job! Looks pretty well balanced...I like how you set up the center so that you have some protection from inside but people can still fire...
Great job thinking outside the box linu...It does look like there are spawn points on the main map...I think the above section is an extension of...
Interesting concept...I have not been outside this map yet. I will have to check it out...Keep on fogin!!!
Great job! Looks well planned...shotty hole is cool! Do the fusion coils hold any purpose? Keep on forgin!!!
Holy sweet!!! Awesome job...very well planned asym and sym settings...great posting great pics...i cant complain one bit...Ya got my DL on this...
IMO the pics dont do this map any justice. It doesnt seem very exciting from the pics here...sounds like a great concept but i am not sold on a DL...
As far as the could always remove the shotgun and mauler...this will help a bit there...looks like a well planned and thought out...
Lots of different levels/stories...Sounds like a cool close range combat map...i like the weapon choice...not as easy to own a close quarters map...
Looks like you hit it right on the mark as far as a "junk yard" is concerned. Nice and disorganized like a bone yard usually long as it is...
It looks pretty open from the few pics you have here...but much more spread out than most maps on the portion of the board... maybe more pics will...
no way its a joke!?!?! This has great creativity...put everything in one spot and you choose your own fate...hmm do i go on foot? do i grab a...
Seems like territory 1 would be easier to defend as it is right by some battery cells and territory 2 is not...will DL and check it out..keep on...