*Offensive retardation*
I am an idiot
Im sorry to say this but......... I dont think this map should be featured. Ill name some of the reasons. -Not very much thought was put into it...
In order for you to get some downloads, you need some pictures and a better description. If you need help with pics, please PM me.
You rule too ^_^.
It looks like a different kind of map for swords and hammers. In a good way. Ill DL, but i wont be able to play it until i get my xbox back. (RRoD)
I think this map has a great layout. But if you used interlocking, this map would be good for gameplay and aesthetics. Also, great post!
So you know, all you have to do on photobucket is copy and paste the IMG code into the image code here on forgehub. Just to be helpful ^_^. p.s....
Sup' JSlayer. Good to see you get away from forgeguide. Anyway, great map. I always liked it. Now id say its about 100 percent better. Mostly...
If all the respawn times are normal. Doesnt that mean the shotgun respawn is 30 seconds? If so, people would be able to use up the ammo and then...
Looks like a great concept. But the map looks very sloppy to me. Also, you could've interlocked some objects. Yeah it takes time, but it makes the...
A 3 story tower sounds like an excellent idea. The elevator will probably add a nice touch too. But until you post some pics, we wont know much...
Hey caboose, this is cptncaucasian from forgeguide. Welcome to forgehub and enjoy your stay. Anyways, i like this map. But I think you could've...
This sounds like it could be a great map. I cant wait until you get your pictures up. I know how frustrating that can get. Anyway, just try to get...
To say so myself, I dont think that looks very much like the white house at all. But as long as you think it does then its fine with me. But...
Not to be skeptical, but when you say "the shotgun is devastatingly powerful". Do you mean powerful enough to overthrow the other team? If so,...
Even though its supposed to be a junkyard, i think its very messy. But thats just me. But anyway, that was a very good first map post. I will DL...
I for one, always like sniper maps. But some may say the map is a little bit sloppy. Also i have to say i like the idea of being able to get the...
This looks like a great map. But i think some of your other maps were made alot better. But i will still DL it for a some fun with my friends....