err im unable to do it. RROD. youre going to need to and are we still getting premium?
i have rrod at the moment -.-"
All i can really suggest is brainstorming. Use sketchup and just start creating structures that you think will help or hinder gameplay.
nah we played a hella lot more but these were the easiest games to get the best shots in.
I agree to this video for the most part. I really think these things need to change....
Prizes? What are they?! The winners< Winners not winner will get the following prizes; A Custom Title: "Template Winner!" A Feature Count <...
...Dude. stop screwing with me we have like 4 different quotes saying that it does. and you didnt say any given date.
[IMG] Time well spent w/o an xbox
i forgot to mention next time make the frame 640 x 480 its better quality so it doesnt stretch the pixels. keep that in mind too agamer
err its been 3 weeks almost 4 and still no contest results. whats the hold up we cant wait for the second feature.
very nice track. Banks and turns look like a blast. It also seems very reminisce of a roller coaster. Good job and I hope to see more from you....
good job on the editing. next time, remember to cut where the clip begins to move, or stop moving. Also, remember to add fade ins or dissolves...
Episode 2 is up. Courtesy of Amercanpsycho
canvas lags like **** on my computer :O Is there any way to cut the template into three different sections for the crypt, ground, and skybubble?...
err i dun get it O.O"
agamer and then amercan if im not back within this month well i dunno sharp. it wont let you join social groups
you have to many infractions to be aloud into social groups. :[ Also i have RROD or E74 to be exact. Youre gonna have to do the third without me.
Err. Okay. I was playing a game of MLG construct on Matchmaking when all of a sudden, my screen got real fuzzy. Then, when I was done, I ended the...
If you want I could make a map video for this. Just throwing that out there. I really like the look and play of this so...