Hey, don't bump, it's against the rules! I think.. Anyway, I like your shots, the first few I gotta admit were a bit lame in my opinion... But...
Tadaa! [IMG] A nice pic that I did, like it? Vote! I know I'm not that good, but I will improve.
Hey, I'm Velheka (Vel) I like forging, pretty unsurprising considering this is ForgeHub! I love your community, and hope to become more of a part...
I'm instrested to see how flexible the killballs are, and hope you can make them cover the floor of the map, that could give unlimited...
It's pretty nice, but pretty sloppy. Needs a bit of cleaning up. 3.5/5
Thanks. =)
Looks a bit sloppy... But still looks pretty good. Nice layout, doesn't seem to have overpowering weapons, I like it! I'll have a proper look...
I like the looks of it, and the idea of secret passages under the level, and looks like a nice FFA to play with your friend, I'll DL and check it out.
Judging by the pictures it looks like a slightly annoying map... The fact that you have got be very careful when you reach the top floor...
To be honest I beleive there should be more than just mere luck you win. And also Foundry really doesn't have enough shield doors for this to work...
I like this map. I love the fact it is an all round map for most gametypes. Basically a new foundry, but better in my opinion. Only think I don't...
Gettin pretty old by now but never the less, well merged and a nice clean look about it and good gameplay. 4/5 - Good work!
Sorry, but I don't like it. It's very unoriginal, and not very well done. It has no merging, and really shouldn't have a sniper to get the ball...
This is a fantastic Cops and Robbers map! The merging is flawless and the replay ability is excellent. The map looks aesthetically pleasing, and...