Thanks for the download! and i know what you mean, im sick of grey. grey this, grey that, oh and a little bit of grey there. i did the best i...
The reason for the tac jumps was the fact that the inability to jump on the struts back annoyed me quite a bit, and it created the illusion that...
epic vid!
haha well we can try, but nobody ever wants to play :( sucks
I have played a 2v2 on the map, it seems to get a bit hectic. 1v1s work perfectly though, ive played manyyyy 1v1s on this and they are the most fun.
Revour is a 1v1 map. There is a Grenade launcher in center, Plasma pistols in the basement of red and blue base, A needle rifle at green and...
That grenade spam was pretty crazy, felt like an eathquake. On this website im a rookie, but ive created many other maps, Bionic just being the...
I really enjoy the layout as well, and the lack of color was a risky choice by me and the other creator Xyrc. We were trying to embrace the grey...
Thanks :D is there anything in particular that you liked about the map?
Thanks for the compliment on the cleanest, and for the cover, we are looking into the " pillar " idea that you suggested, but are not sure if...
MLG Bionic Halo Reach Forged Map : Bionic - YouTube Bionic is a symetrical map fitted most gametypes. Power weapons are Rockets, and two...