This makes me so happy that I put the revolver in the map
Great minds think alike
Oh yeah, I could add more no problem. I still have $849 left. I'll probably add more later.
Download: Chandelier The Crypt really needed some more class. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
I came up with this when I was eating BBQ for lunch at school.
I have never had someone actually spatter someone at that point in the game, just hurt them. That's really cool
Deployable covers would be cool in a V2 or something because since the spikes are an instant kill it will only last one blow, but how would you...
Map: The Grill Gametype: Burgers Do you like BBQ? I know I do. Do you like grilling spartans? I know I do too. A giant grill has been put into...
Map: Porcupine Gametype: Matrix Did you know that the Spiker Rifle has a shooting range of about the length of sandtrap?! Well, with the...
Download Map: Russian Roulette Download Gametype: Pull the Trigger Russian Roulette is a game where you point a gun with a six bullet revolver...
There have been known glitches where some people can not gain enough speed when playing online with other people. I call it slow lag, no...
Warning: May Cause Seizures! Download: UFHMG Coaster Credit for the purpose, function, and idea for these types of maps go to UNKNOWN FRENZY,...
DerbyV2 Gametype best fit for game: DerbyGame I know what you're thinking, "Not another derby map, there are like 10 billion already....and it's...
The reason for the wraith being on the bottom is for the feeling of the giant scarab gun on the head shooting at you. I tried to make it as much...
The reason for the head being pretty much gone is for the wraith to be quite effective in game. Adding any more objects on or even near the...
TheStoneScarab Use with ScarabBomb varient This is an amazing replica of a Halo 3 scarab based on the Halo 3 campaign scarab. Not only does it...