Of course I wouldn't mind! Actually this map is great for a haunted house infection game when you put "pen & ink" on. If you walk out of the T.V...
Luckily I know what your talking about...and luckily I can understand your grammar and what you wrote. I have had much trouble putting boxes in...
Go ahead! I have been wanting some recognition for some of my work so if you feel it is right to mention my name in the things that your putting...
I'm guessing your using the different FH Light X version of forgehub? Sorry, I'm using the kind with a grey background so the text looks nice but...
Alright, I kind of knew that I couldn't put a modded gametype on forgehub, but I do want to point out that assassination can be very annoying at...
PARTY DOCKS Map: Party Docks Gametype: Slayer Description: This is a party house located on the halo 3 mythic map, Longshore. This party house,...
Sorry to say, I started making this as soon as longshore was released with the expansion of Halo 3 Mythic. I have seen your map and I must say it...
Shoot My Dinghy Map: Boat Racing Gametype: Shoot My Dinghy This is a very, very simple map, but still fun. There is only one objective, and...
Hey remember me!! Just kidding. (I made the other scarab which you seemed to not like) :( :S Anyways good job on this scarab. Even thought this...
Hello and welcome to forgehub! Your map is not up to standards and will be closed if not changed within 24 hours. You must include at least one...
*Diamond Arena* Map: Diamond Arena Gametype (needed): Diamond 1v1 Hello Forgehub Community! I proudly present my first Competitive Map. This map...
That's a cool idea. I'll have to make some adjustments for the pool stick (radio antenna) to find a good spot to get launched. Thank you...
I like your ideas. I will most likely not be making a v2, rather just add more to this one. I do want to point out in making a mistake of deleting...
Trust me I wanted to do that, but finding it was the only unnecessary part to the map made me get rid of it. And I can't place down any more...
The Great Journey Map: Great Journey Gametypes: Tartarus Slayer Crazy King This is a remake of the last level in Halo 2 where you, as the...
Dark Doughnut Map: Dark Doughnut Dark Doughnut is a no-purpose map for you, the forgers, to get busy on. It's a giant wall built around the main...
Hey this sounds great. I would love to audition and try out my forge skills. My Gamertag is Geranamo, and here are a few pics of my maps: The...
~Bug Zapper~ Map: Bug Zapper Gametype: Mosquitos This is just a simple design of a Bug Zapper. In the Gametype you are flying around the bug...
Ahh yes. You may think that the second set of half walls might be a little bit sloppy because it seems harder than the first set. If you have...
This is all my work. I used the same concept of obstacles on the roads for the mongeese, but I forged everything myself. The whole road isn't...