thanks you thats wat my other maps lacked thanks thank you much clean is the goal wow thanks for all the feedback it was very hard to...
thank you very much small maps do please some people ahh yes i did make a boo boo in the typing its my 4rth 1 but close enough it took me...
thank you umm yes indeed i have seen a few other maps with a cylinder shape to them and i did try to make each level differnet so it wouldnt get...
Hey forgehub!! This is my fourth map And i must say probably my best yet i dont like to say things good about nething i well leave it at...
ok so i was forging with infin money and i accidently set rune time maximum to the same amount i had on the map and yeah i couldnt summon nemore...
need feedback plz
hmm ideas for a v3 maybe i agree you have a good point thank you
yeah i see what your saying thank you
thank you catchy is hard for me to get im not good with patients...
thanks it does promote camping... but nades can help you out
wow fantastic interlocking you have patients... good map
thank you much
very nice map good clean interlocking... your good at it amazing 5/5
Thank you
Lazybud v2 has an original version called lazybud which was entered into the lazy map makers contest i kept most of the idea but added more things...
nice 1million 2 million deaths....just falling off the first part this is very good challenge havnt got through yet all the way but im at grenade...
my lazy map User Name(s): I K3NN3DY I Map Name: Lazybud : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Did you read and...
download here- tell you the truth this is probably the best map i will...
thank you for the advice when i get the time i will indeed fix it up and make it not so empty thank you
this was accident post the other is actual please forgive