Basicly I'm out of work in forge and I would like to help someone out. If you need maps for a gametype you made then just tell me and I'll do my...
Basicly I make the gametypes and the maps whilst the publisher makes excellent posts on them here on forge hub. Anyone interested?
No I did not, thank you and forgive my foolishness but do not think that this database will cease my hunger for the maps I desire.
1. I'm not asking people to find all of these, just if they know any. 2.There are some decent **** Zombies maps out there but they are extremely...
My eyes just poped out of my head. Really nice looking map
I've recently started hosting a lot of custom games and my firends keep on expecting some better things besides the things I've made so I'm...
Great! That exactly what I was looking for! Thanks a lot!
I'm looking for a map where the center of Avalanche is walled off. The map was alone created for this purpose. I can no longer find it so does...
Alright. You'll see two of my maps tomorrow
How many maps should be in a forge map pack? I want to release it on Wednesday but that two days is a little short for me and I want to finish my...
Your map looks really cool but I'm sorry to say this but you have inspired an idea for a map.
I really want to geomerge all this stuff on Ghost Town (like bridges and barricades) but I'm just finding it really difficult. So I was wondering...
Thanks. Thanks a lot!
I have been trying for about two months to get a team started of three people (including myslef) and I just can find anyone because no one ever...
Ok, your right. I'll go into a moderate amount of detail Gametype: Panic Description of gametype: Focuses big time on team work for both...
I'm making a map pack based on Zombie Panic and I'm looking to assemble a team of about three people (including myself). It would be good if the...
Ok, I'll put it bluntly. I need a hand with my ideas for a future map pack based on System Shock 2. System shock 2 is the key word. This is really...
I need a map like this. How much money is left in the maps budget?
Gravity Well? You a Quake 2 fan?
Not mini-game, but perhaps everything else.