I'm spamming am I? I just such an amazingly aesthetic map should be seen more and such amazing gameplay should be played more. So for this to not...
I love that pic. Which map was this again???
Awesome map!!! It is heaps fun. I like how you make your maps for most gametypes. It has too many power weapons though.
Awesome!!!! It is heaps fun to play on! I like the warthog aswell. It is obvious you pt your thoughts into gameplay and aesthetics not just one.
I love this map its really fun to play. Its awesome how its compatible with all those gametypes.
Thanks Carter! I really don't think its too open. I had a map a little less open and I was told there wasn't enough room so.... Also weapon...
Not that many pics but what they show is awesome! DL'ing
What? No they're not if you jumped up by one I think you could get out.
I know what you mean. I posted some stuff about merging in the B.net forums and like 5 people asked what it was! Also where are the fire bombs Nosey?
Hey Nosey! It looks awesome with some great merging. I really like the Danger Tunnel!
Hey Nosey! Ok I will!
I don't think theres that much open space...It has enough room so you can have good sniper fights and BR fights but with enough that you can make...
It would be good for some 1v1 I think...
Looks like it has some great merging but a bit messy in someplaces and full to the brim.
I lol at the name Grunt Crossing
Looks very abstractly cool. Some nice interlocking aswell.
Looks a bit cramped but otherwise cool. The bomb should also be attatched to the bottom so it looks like it is going through liftoff
A bit short and sloppy. Excellent idea though.
It looks like you sloppily made a square, chucked some weapons and fusion coils in there and called it a map. No offense but...
Looks pretty sloppy, unless the bridges are supposed to be like that...