trust me there is so much more i would have liked to add to this map but i ran out of money i used everything but like 2 points
um not realy that hall way is actually right in front part of the building and there is another one right above it on the fifth floor of the...
I was going to do that but i used up all the money and i had to make due with what i had. thanks for the input though. I guess you are right i...
thanks for the criticism though it is appreciated.
I gave a warning in the post about jumping....and if you played the game you would see that it is easy to get around the turrets.
nice map
really? you are going to spend time poking at my map? i made it so people can have fun, if you really don't like it then edit it and send me your...
[IMG] Map was created By: Crazyjester5 Photo help from: Kalaban 4 Map idea help from: fr0z3nsun ~ABOUT THE MAP~ When creating this map i...
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this game hurts my eyes