yo DIE played the map i really got in it. keep them coming can't wait to download the next if its any good. PEaCe dude
its ok but some of them pix r not yours like optimus prime so i give it 5/10
lmao i really like this one looks like the karate kid doing the kran 9/10 good job
yea that was a great video i haven't play the beta. so i needed that and the video was really funny hope to see more:D
lol funny stuff 7/10
yea dude i like it. its funny and lets me know reach is right there
i like Loscocco i have never seen a pic like that the Circles r really cool
do u mean what i like about it? my bad
not sure how to vote but i like Loscocco so thats my vote
this was a good map but damn it was hard.....it was also forever
its ok need a qt of a mile to be a drag race
its hammer time....lmao
dude like the sreenshots pretty bad ass
hey dude that map was good i enjoyed it had fun on it thanx keep them coming
lol wow u hit it on the head i didn't think anyone would get it thanx...lol
its just the first 3 that i use photoshop i want use no more i didn't know
Thanx DIE i seen some of your pix there cool to
i like the caption one
there ok dude take some more use diff stuff make pix colorfull