All I gotta say is this is a revelation to me, as I have tried to get above Blackout many times. Despite the lack of interlocking this looks good....
Watch the double posts guys This is the most fun looking map I have ever seen. This will be a must DL.
These are CQC Maps people, they're meant to be small- stop complaining. Aside from that, these do look very enticing and I will DL them momentarily.
Sadly I have to agree with him. In your defense however, I'm glad to see another map instead of being on Foundry. Add some obstacles, hazards,...
It matters not what version this is. All I know is this is an amazing map and game type. The design, interlocking, concept- it's pretty much...
So what if it isn't completely interlocked. I can't get interlocking down yet, and I don't mind playing a map that's fun. This takes the cake in...
Seeing as I am terrible at interlocking, this map is right at home to me. Looks like a very fun play, and will be DLed asap.
Agreed with above comments. At least a description to fill us in as to what is going on here.
I was wondering when this map would be featured. An amazing map, and a must download for ANY ForgeHub patron.
By far, the best remake I've seen. Great job.
A great demonstration of switches.
Action shots please. The map looks very good. Clean and excellent interlocking. Great first post.
Eh. Omega Journey isn't as fun anymore to me. But to those who haven't played it before, it's worth a go.
Where the heck are the ROFL Rockets? Don't tell me Blind made off with them all again...
The more detail you add, the better the authenticity you get.
Constructive criticism people, none of this 'I can do this under an hour' or 'try harder next time'. Give the guy a break. Now for my advice:...
Played this earlier today, but under another name with someone else taking credit. I know for a fact they couldn't forge for beans, let alone tell...
They should make it a rule to post a video with catchy up-beat music showing off the map, as it usually sells it for me. Great map, can't wait to...
Great line-up and the videos were incredibly helpful. Also, where did you get the music? It was very nice.
I think we all get it- pics aren't up yet. Stop saying it. This is very similar to a Helms Deep I played before, so it was easy to get into.