i like the interlocking and the turret between windows and i like the sword spawn
it looks a little big and open for me but i still say it is nice
the interlocking is wonderful and i like how clean the map is good job
cool map i like the bomb placement
i like the view from the outside
i love it!it is awsome! go grunts!
i like the map it is unique
plz use bigger pics
i would like to see a better forging map and items :squirrel_wink:
i like the map how it is at an angle like it is
the map is nice i like how to get to the flag you go right into the other team trying to get yours
how did your make the teleporting doors without seeing the teleporters? by the way it is a nice map
maulers work for camping just like shotguns so if you dont want camping get rid of them