i luvd the one on valhalla but this this is amazin i luv this idea. absolutely genius. luv the idea
this map rules. so many game types available for it. luv playin on it. it is so epic
this map is epic me and all my frends lov playin it even if we have a big party. we change the rule tho to keep it from bein unfair nice map and...
dude this map is epic. me and ma frends were playin amzing. absolutly phenomenal. i love the whole pallet idea too i dont know where u came up...
i luv this map it is amazin. good forgin it looks epic
nice map luv the desine it looks very fun and looks good for epic games
i luv this map it is awsum i luv playin on it
i no its repeatin but the sword looks awesome and the whole thing looks pretty good did u interlock???
looks good ill dl as soon as my other maps are dun downloadin looks very nice and fun
nice map ill dl as soon as i get rid of my que or however you spell dat gone nice forgin tho
nice map great work i will dl
where is da link for the Map??????
ok ill try at it i know how to merges and stuff its just that im not sure what to make the stuff out of. thx for the tips tho. ill give em a try...
hello all i was just wondering if someone could make me 2 maps that i have an idea for. i am no good at forging so im hoping someone can help me....