What everyone is basically saying is, great, you have one idea. It's not going to get you anywhere however, especially seeing how it's not the...
1 - What map is this on? You never specified, although the default assumption is Foundry. 2 - What vehicles are you putting on the map? 3 - What...
What did Flink say that I didn't? Anyways.. there is another Orpheus other than Yavi, which is Nitrous. But yeah, UNSC Recruit -> Ranger seem to...
You could just make pallets that instantly respawn covering whatever hole you want them to go through. They break when you bash them correctly. So...
Hey, how could I possibly modify "phoenix" while still keeping the word in, without making it strange or whatever. <_< And besides, setting my...
Apparently the higher-ups are encouraging us to try to figure this out, and they also apparently don't have any significant problem. But yeah, it...
It was underlining "Problems" on the main forum page in the description of Customer Service, so I assumed some mod was angry at the threads being...
Props on the return system, although it does make goal tracking a bit tough. But I applaud you nonetheless.
I'm thinking you guys put some sort of "Skill Level" like in matchmaking to raise our skill, or member rank. Posts are the EXP, while having...
Why doesn't a mod just tell us D: Is it fun watching me pathetically try to figure this out <_<
http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?action=mlist There is the memberlist for anyone that wants to do further investigation. Notes: There is a...
I'll try to get to 100 posts soon, without spamming ;D And to make this guess less .. stupid, would any global mod mind just spilling the beans?...
That gives 14 for now, if Mason/Guilder counts. Edit, I just saw a 'Respected Person'. I guess that counts too. UNSC Recruit UNSC Graduate...
Well now, they follow the achievements you get for whatever roman numeral is shown below your forum username in all your posts. So if you happen...
I think they just changed what title you get for how many posts you have. Yesterday I was an active member, but now I'm a demon. Go figure.
I liked it. The music was pretty good, but I love the quality of the clips.
For a command/computer center, I suggest using Standoff. You know, the bases actually come with a computer/command base, and you can customize...
I mean the forum's own setting of including previous quotes. I've been around in a forum that disables that, and I've been an active member of...
Happy birthday!
Re: Idea to make Forge 10-100 times more flexible/create even more interesting m Then you might as well play Counterstrike...