It's most likely a combo of regular, sword, hammer, and objective based items.
I speak for the world when I say yes.
I think it's going to be sort of a less technical Foundry. You will be able to cut of pathways, and possible add some more of your own.
In the newest update they said "We also think that people are going to be pretty excited about some of the Forge elements included in Blackout...
They shouldn't. Infection is fine for just custom games, and the occassional playlist. It shouldn't have a full time playlist.
66. You have played a game of Grifball in real life.
That video was epic, the guy trying to get up there was terrible with Bruteshot jumping.
It's definitely quality, maps with too much make it easy for people to cheat and usually have problems.
This now prevents custom games from being destroyed when half the people don't have the new maps and they have to be kicked.
I have 2 killionares from Grifball (both legit), as well as 12 exterminations.
I usually end up blowing up hogs with rockets anyway, but the missle pod is nice for taking out banshees, and it's fun to use on construct,...
Looks like it's time to rape some kids that suck at Grifball. There are going to be so many Killionares from this.
Mine is green so I can blend with the trees.
Re: poll!!!!!!!!!!!!! Halo 3. Was Lego Star Wars put in there as a joke?
The one that's my avatar... (Bigger Image- It was on High Ground, a...
It still doesn't have pictures.
Portal 2 should definitely be a full length game, if they make it though. Team Fortress 2 is a lot of fun, just the lag is frustrating at times.
Pelicans. Bungie could create a huge map, with let's say two bases. Give each team X Banshees, Y Hornets, and a pelican. And they could have some...
The thing about stickies are though, as that other person can still kill you with the grenade's splash damage, or the couple seconds they have to...
I use them both, but the Sniper is way easier to use, since the scope isn't all funky looking.