No, did I put a question mark? :P I was just stating the fact.
Hey Linubidix, Some bigs things going around forgehub.
You know your a noob in Halo 3 if you try to veto the grifball map.
I think guitar hero is the better game. Guitar Hero had the original concept and then rockband pretty much stole the idea. And I agree with the...
Looks like a good map. I am very impressed with the interlocking you did in the "battlefield" is very nice. But I do think it is lacking a little...
O hai ther. lolz. Well, happy late welcome to forgehub. Hope to see you be active over the next months and hope to see some more maps from you....
For snipes, Always aim at the head of the person. This helps me a lot and is great. For no scopes, basically the same thing. Aim at the head.
hey linu, How was thy sleep?
[IMG] 5: Wall mounting weapons By far the most confusing trick of all, here is wall mounting a gun. To do so: Place a wall, and stack up as many...
Umm...Okay. That really isn't a big deal for me. Team snipers is a great playlist and I think it is awesome. The sniper is my favorite weapon....
Wow. That looks great. It is deserving of a feature dont you think?
hey matty, Hows the map going?
Looks like a good map. I really like the way you used the backway very effiencially and origially. You also added some new structures that I...
ya. Also please read the rules of forgehub. Because It has been getting a little annoying with a bunch of new members not reading the rules....
Nope. I just think that is the way it is. The same thing happened to me on the map I am building now. My suggestion would just to go back to the...
okay ya. I agree that some little kids are anoyying. But not just the little kids. I hear plenty of probably 16-20 year old guys being total...
I agree with warfang on the second part. There are not enough maps for a seperate forum for switch maps. If you want to go to a switch map site...
Sweet. A torpedo Jumpers 2. The First one was great. The gameplay was awesome and the idea was a very great and original one. The only thing...
ohh well. See you in the morning.
ohai gud sir. How are you on this fine day?